
Huge Protests in the Netherlands

I just found out there have been huge protests going on between farmers and the government there. Apparently their government put in restrictions on farmers in hopes to lower the amount of nitrogen in the environment (if there are anyone in this group who are from there and want to correct me on what's happening please feel free to do so), so farmers have been protesting the restrictions by spraying manure on government buildings and have caused shutdowns of police stations and airports and roads. They know how to do protests. Why aren't we doing anything like this in the US? It seems to me that what's happening there is making a big impact, yet hardly any media reported on it. I wish I was seeing bigger protests going on like that in the US.

I just found out there have been huge protests going on between farmers and the government there. Apparently their government put in restrictions on farmers in hopes to lower the amount of nitrogen in the environment (if there are anyone in this group who are from there and want to correct me on what's happening please feel free to do so), so farmers have been protesting the restrictions by spraying manure on government buildings and have caused shutdowns of police stations and airports and roads. They know how to do protests.

Why aren't we doing anything like this in the US? It seems to me that what's happening there is making a big impact, yet hardly any media reported on it. I wish I was seeing bigger protests going on like that in the US.

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