
Human Capital happened to find an error in my payements

Got this voicemail at 5am (redacted names and company): “Hey, this is Blank giving you a call from Human Capital Department. We spoke yesterday about the communication on the out processing, I needed to speak to you one more time. And there are some deductions that will need to come out of your final paycheck. Um in regards to the benefits correction, there were some issues uh with your benefits and processing them this year. Um looks like you've been paying the wrong amount, which is less than what you had originally um a signed up for in your healthcare plan. So the difference in payment is about $2,000. Um so I just wanted to give you that heads up. Please give me a call back so I can explain the details to you. Um but do expect that deduction from your final paycheck phone number is Blank. Thank you.”

Got this voicemail at 5am (redacted names and company):
“Hey, this is Blank giving you a call from Human Capital Department. We spoke yesterday about the communication on the out processing, I needed to speak to you one more time. And there are some deductions that will need to come out of your final paycheck. Um in regards to the benefits correction, there were some issues uh with your benefits and processing them this year. Um looks like you've been paying the wrong amount, which is less than what you had originally um a signed up for in your healthcare plan. So the difference in payment is about $2,000. Um so I just wanted to give you that heads up. Please give me a call back so I can explain the details to you. Um but do expect that deduction from your final paycheck phone number is Blank. Thank you.”

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