
Humble Justice

Got laid off a while back. Ended up in a conflict with employer as they lied regarding getting fired with cause. I disagreed with every reason. This week the adjudicator agreed with the truth and my narrative that I was not fired with cause. While some may say don't burn bridges, I care more about the little guy. Hopefully they will think twice pulling this on someone else. This was not fun and completely unfortunate, but coming to account with the truth is vital for individuals and companies alike. While this may hurt my future chances, being honest is a much sweeter reward.

Got laid off a while back. Ended up in a conflict with employer as they lied regarding getting fired with cause. I disagreed with every reason. This week the adjudicator agreed with the truth and my narrative that I was not fired with cause.

While some may say don't burn bridges, I care more about the little guy. Hopefully they will think twice pulling this on someone else. This was not fun and completely unfortunate, but coming to account with the truth is vital for individuals and companies alike. While this may hurt my future chances, being honest is a much sweeter reward.

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