
Husband is halfway getting fired.

I work part time two days a week at my server job, and mainly take care of our near 1 year old primarily. My husband works at Chic-Fil-A. He’s in training to become a store operator/ training manager for the BOH. He started not too long ago. Today, he found out he had been written up for not having proper pants on. I feel bad because it was my fault entirely since I forgot our clothes at my dads when I did laundry there. So, he had to go in to work with khaki’s but still had his work polo. That incident was maybe a week or two ago. Chic-Fil-A has a strict point system where if you get 10 pts you’re fired. He is at 5 pts because of his pants. When he found out today he was annoyed. The MOD kept asking whats wrong and he just said…

I work part time two days a week at my server job, and mainly take care of our near 1 year old primarily.

My husband works at Chic-Fil-A. He’s in training to become a store operator/ training manager for the BOH. He started not too long ago. Today, he found out he had been written up for not having proper pants on. I feel bad because it was my fault entirely since I forgot our clothes at my dads when I did laundry there. So, he had to go in to work with khaki’s but still had his work polo. That incident was maybe a week or two ago. Chic-Fil-A has a strict point system where if you get 10 pts you’re fired. He is at 5 pts because of his pants. When he found out today he was annoyed. The MOD kept asking whats wrong and he just said he was annoyed. Now my husband is freaking out because he’s halfway to getting fired. His manager forced him off for a break and is talking about him to the other MOD about him being ‘rude’ and ‘insubordinate’. We’re both stressed rn because if he gets fired that’s like 80% of our income gone. They know we have a child too. We bring him in maybe once a week. I’m just baffled at how sensitive they are towards him being annoyed.

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