
Husbands Boss Saying He Shouldn’t Grieve

TW: Pregnancy Loss I’m going to try to limit details to not possibly get my husband in trouble here. I’m not sure where to share this honestly. My husbands boss has always been a jerk. The company even moved him locations years ago because he said offensive things to workers so they put him in a location with only a couple of workers, when he definitely should have been fired. He constantly says rude things, hardly works, and it’s clear no one likes him. We just lost our baby about halfway through the pregnancy and thankfully the HR department was more than kind in working with us and finding every way to give him time off. He got a few days of bereavement and they let him take a few extra days off as well. They have been extremely sympathetic. The night it happened was pretty traumatic and I lost…

TW: Pregnancy Loss

I’m going to try to limit details to not possibly get my husband in trouble here. I’m not sure where to share this honestly.

My husbands boss has always been a jerk. The company even moved him locations years ago because he said offensive things to workers so they put him in a location with only a couple of workers, when he definitely should have been fired. He constantly says rude things, hardly works, and it’s clear no one likes him.

We just lost our baby about halfway through the pregnancy and thankfully the HR department was more than kind in working with us and finding every way to give him time off. He got a few days of bereavement and they let him take a few extra days off as well. They have been extremely sympathetic.

The night it happened was pretty traumatic and I lost a lot of blood and he was worried I may not make it as well. I am okay now but it was still scary in the moment. He messaged his boss telling him he would not be in and a little bit about the situation and didn’t hear back. He sent a handful of emails (how they want them to communicate) about work, being off, and just checking in while off and never once heard back. Not even when he asked what time he should be coming in on his first day back.

When he finally went back (out of needing money, not because he felt okay) he was told by his coworkers that his boss was going on about how he shouldn’t have gotten bereavement for the situation and should not be upset. He still has not said a word to my husband besides a few work related things.

There are more specific things he’s done and said but I’m sure you get the gist. I’m just so annoyed, frustrated, angry and sad for my husband. He is an emotional person in general and this whole thing has been really hard on it’s own. The last thing he needs is to deal with this everyday.

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