
Husband’s hours cut (just a rant)

Husband works in retail, has been at one well-known chain that sells things like jerseys, footballs, golf clubs, exercise apparel. He's been there for years. It pays shit, but the hours worked for us. I work too and carry the benefits. A few months ago they moved him from his job to another job in the store. It was a lateral position but one that is harder on him. He has some health issues (honestly, he should be on disability but he never has pursued it.) and I think they are trying to make him quit. He thinks so too but refuses to quit. So, now they've cut hours for lots of employees. It's the high shopping season of the year and they cut hours. I know they will try to get him to stay late lots of days now. He already has had to stay late a few days…

Husband works in retail, has been at one well-known chain that sells things like jerseys, footballs, golf clubs, exercise apparel. He's been there for years. It pays shit, but the hours worked for us. I work too and carry the benefits.

A few months ago they moved him from his job to another job in the store. It was a lateral position but one that is harder on him. He has some health issues (honestly, he should be on disability but he never has pursued it.) and I think they are trying to make him quit. He thinks so too but refuses to quit.

So, now they've cut hours for lots of employees. It's the high shopping season of the year and they cut hours. I know they will try to get him to stay late lots of days now. He already has had to stay late a few days the last week. I told him he needs to refuse. If they don't feel they need him and cut his hours, than they have to live with the results. He said the moral at the whole store is in the garbage. One guy got demoted for no reason. Just to save a few bucks. He told my husband he won't do anything extra either. Just do his job and go home.

I told my husband I better not see another stinking retail store bitch and moan about nobody wanting to work. Why should they work at retail when the upper management cuts their hours every few months? Who can budget like that? (he had hours cut in the spring too).

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