
I (26M) had a mental breakdown at work.

I was going to spend all this time typing out a whole story for why I walked out of work to prevent a mental breakdown, only to have said mental breakdown at home for the next four days… but honestly no one would care enough to read it. Retail is the asshole of general public work and the fact that people can be so cruel to you is one thing, and incompetent management that does nothing but leach on you and the company is so degrading and demoralizing. I left early on busy veteran’s day because I was so beaten down and felt like screaming and crying. And after coming home I just can’t even think about work without going into a panic. The only reason I’m able to now is because I’m high off my tits. Weed is great, folks. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t…

I was going to spend all this time typing out a whole story for why I walked out of work to prevent a mental breakdown, only to have said mental breakdown at home for the next four days… but honestly no one would care enough to read it.

Retail is the asshole of general public work and the fact that people can be so cruel to you is one thing, and incompetent management that does nothing but leach on you and the company is so degrading and demoralizing. I left early on busy veteran’s day because I was so beaten down and felt like screaming and crying. And after coming home I just can’t even think about work without going into a panic. The only reason I’m able to now is because I’m high off my tits. Weed is great, folks.

I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want to settle in retail and say “yes, $15 an hour is worth getting verbally and mentally abused by customers and management.” But I just got my benefits sorted and actually have decent insurance…. But it’s all broken and I’ll always be this worthless ingrate.

Man, fuck America.

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