
I abruptly left work for a month and I don’t feel remotely bad for the shitshow I left them with.

Some bit of context: I'm support staff for higher education faculty. About a year ago a botanist retired and I was asked to take over the greenhouse facility that was in her care. She was paid over 2x what I make and my pay didn't change although my workload did. I asked several times about my job description/rate being updated to reflect it, but all I got was an updated business card with added greenhouse title. We also recently picked up a new Dean and two new faculty. I did my job flawlessly for 3 years, but new Dean is a micromanaging one and I have not thrived under this management style. One new faculty is a narcissistic type A who thinks the way she does things is the best way and wants to ” teach” everyone how to do their job better. Type A tried getting me to change…

Some bit of context: I'm support staff for higher education faculty. About a year ago a botanist retired and I was asked to take over the greenhouse facility that was in her care. She was paid over 2x what I make and my pay didn't change although my workload did. I asked several times about my job description/rate being updated to reflect it, but all I got was an updated business card with added greenhouse title.

We also recently picked up a new Dean and two new faculty. I did my job flawlessly for 3 years, but new Dean is a micromanaging one and I have not thrived under this management style. One new faculty is a narcissistic type A who thinks the way she does things is the best way and wants to ” teach” everyone how to do their job better. Type A tried getting me to change my methods on several of my responsibilities, and I said no, so she went to the new Dean and sold the idea of rework and training. Now I've been told that all those ways of doing things are the “old ways” and I'm to update to these “new ways”. Best of all, Type A is supposed to provide me all the training I need. Yay!.

I've been having anxiety issues ever since new Dean arrived. Her method of constantly making me change the way I do things has led to a constant feeling dread, and when you consistently make one person change to make everyone else happy that one person ends up always feeling at fault in some way. I tried to explain this to New Dean and she doubled down, repeated that SHE'S in charge, and that I don't get to pick and choose to do “only the things I prefer”

I had been saving 200+ hours of sick time. I called my doctor. He wrote me a note to take 4 weeks off no questions asked. I got the note on Thursday and started sick time that Friday.

No one knows how to care for the greenhouse, the swamp coolers have not been activated yet so things are getting too hot and dying. It's a switch on the control panel but no one has figured it out. From what I hear, it's been mass panic. I don't feel anything.

Forgot to mention, June is my 10th year working for that institution. A decade of my life to them and I have…. Whaaaaaaat to show for it?

Hoooooonestly, fuck em.

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