
I actually love my job but working full time is bumming me out.

I'm a teacher. I adore my class and my students. But the last few hours of the day drag on. I want to go home. I want to do things. I spend Friday so excoted for the weekend and then I spend Saturday and Subday dreading work. And I work at a preschool so I have no summer or spring break. I have so many books I've run out of room. And I've read so few of them. My stacks of books make me sad now. In middle school I used to read a 300 page book in one day. The other day, I finished The Girl With All the Gifts, a 403 page book (and an excellent one at that, highly recommend), after 2 months. When I worked part time, I spent much of my summer volunteering. This is the first summer in years I won't be volunteering several…

I'm a teacher. I adore my class and my students. But the last few hours of the day drag on. I want to go home. I want to do things. I spend Friday so excoted for the weekend and then I spend Saturday and Subday dreading work. And I work at a preschool so I have no summer or spring break.

I have so many books I've run out of room. And I've read so few of them. My stacks of books make me sad now. In middle school I used to read a 300 page book in one day. The other day, I finished The Girl With All the Gifts, a 403 page book (and an excellent one at that, highly recommend), after 2 months. When I worked part time, I spent much of my summer volunteering. This is the first summer in years I won't be volunteering several times a week.

I'm only 22. I (hopefully) have a full life ahead of me. But I feel like I've lost so much time. Time to read, write, create, volunteer. Time to just enjoy without worrying about money.

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