
I advised my coworkers to know their rights as workers. Now I’m afraid I might get fired for that.

I work in the medical equipment industry. A short time ago, we were directly told in no uncertain terms that if any of us discuss our 2023 raises, or base pay in general, with our coworkers then we will be terminated no questions asked. This is obviously against the NLRA, so I'm hoping that threat was all bark but no bite. But today my mouth ran faster than my brain and I told the coworkers I consider friends that it's important to know their rights as workers and legally they are allowed to discuss anything about their pay/benefits with anyone, anywhere, no restrictions, and nobody can take that right away from them. The person who originally made the threats was not in the office at the time. But now my anxiety is peaking. I'm afraid that tomorrow I'm gonna arrive to work with a termination letter waiting for me if…

I work in the medical equipment industry. A short time ago, we were directly told in no uncertain terms that if any of us discuss our 2023 raises, or base pay in general, with our coworkers then we will be terminated no questions asked. This is obviously against the NLRA, so I'm hoping that threat was all bark but no bite. But today my mouth ran faster than my brain and I told the coworkers I consider friends that it's important to know their rights as workers and legally they are allowed to discuss anything about their pay/benefits with anyone, anywhere, no restrictions, and nobody can take that right away from them. The person who originally made the threats was not in the office at the time.

But now my anxiety is peaking. I'm afraid that tomorrow I'm gonna arrive to work with a termination letter waiting for me if the bosses find out what I did. I guess I should start looking for a new job now, but I'm extremely pro-workers-rights, and that fact is why I'm very Antiwork in the first place.

Sorry if this rant isn't really allowed here. Just thought it was the right place to let it out.

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