
I am a IO psychology student and I am fed up with it

This is my first post here. As I already stated that I am a IO psychology student, I am tired of this field. Learning the most repulsive theories to manage and organise employees so that their ‘overall wellness’ increases. I never wanted to pursue this field, but due to personal reasons, this is where I ended up to leave my toxic home and move to other country. I always wanted to be a philosopher, poet and story writer. Moving on from my crushed dreams, throughout my courseworks, I fought the urge to lash out in the classes. I raised questions in class that dealt with inherent draining nature of work and the superfluous deployment of techniques that are enforced to keep employees working, or help them find a solution for their ‘unhappy’ work life within these exploitative structures. I even wanted to write my non-thesis project on such issues but…

This is my first post here.
As I already stated that I am a IO psychology student, I am tired of this field. Learning the most repulsive theories to manage and organise employees so that their ‘overall wellness’ increases.

I never wanted to pursue this field, but due to personal reasons, this is where I ended up to leave my toxic home and move to other country. I always wanted to be a philosopher, poet and story writer.

Moving on from my crushed dreams, throughout my courseworks, I fought the urge to lash out in the classes. I raised questions in class that dealt with inherent draining nature of work and the superfluous deployment of techniques that are enforced to keep employees working, or help them find a solution for their ‘unhappy’ work life within these exploitative structures. I even wanted to write my non-thesis project on such issues but I was told by my professor “oh you can’t do that”, “your project should benefit organisations”.

I am almost done with this program anyways. Any idea how I can use this field to change things?

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