
I am convinced the average American worker would let their boss f*ck their wife, kill and eat their dog, eat all the food in their fridge, clog their toilet, and pee on their face.

People in my town just worship their bosses. It's insane. People will take abuse from a job and say they are lucky to have a job and that it's not a big deal. I know people who have been threatened, sexually assaulted, and berated but they get mad at me for suggesting we organize and go to the media. I don't even know if I care anymore.

People in my town just worship their bosses. It's insane. People will take abuse from a job and say they are lucky to have a job and that it's not a big deal. I know people who have been threatened, sexually assaulted, and berated but they get mad at me for suggesting we organize and go to the media. I don't even know if I care anymore.

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