
I am curious about this organization. Is there an actual plan?

I am exhausted and rightfully so. 24M. The past 6 years has been a continuous fight. I’ve worked in 3 different states. I have been in food service, Detailer, service electrician, appliance technician, and now I’m in a white collar job doing full time night school in accounting. It doesn’t seem to end. I have been putting in 40-60 hours every week since I was 18. I have been working since 16. Once I turned 18 everything just came crashing down. Increasing costs of living, bad circumstances, fights for raises, skill learning while working full time, and so much more. I’m breaking. I’m 7 months into my new job and I thought I made it. But, I’m having to do DoorDashing to make up the differences. I’m looking for a night job in appliance repair for a more set income. Everything continues to get more expensive. My rent doubled (…

I am exhausted and rightfully so. 24M. The past 6 years has been a continuous fight. I’ve worked in 3 different states. I have been in food service, Detailer, service electrician, appliance technician, and now I’m in a white collar job doing full time night school in accounting. It doesn’t seem to end. I have been putting in 40-60 hours every week since I was 18. I have been working since 16. Once I turned 18 everything just came crashing down. Increasing costs of living, bad circumstances, fights for raises, skill learning while working full time, and so much more. I’m breaking.

I’m 7 months into my new job and I thought I made it. But, I’m having to do DoorDashing to make up the differences. I’m looking for a night job in appliance repair for a more set income. Everything continues to get more expensive. My rent doubled ( no rental laws), my car totaled and I had to get a $500 per month lease at the dealership for a car ( middle of the microchip trade war no old cars and limited inventory) , electric bill doubled ( my state is having a weird political energy production scheme) , my insurance added 50 dollars, It’s 10.59 for a McDonald’s meal….., etc.

I’m looking for a night job right now just to survive. Working a full time day job, getting a night job, and doing full time school in accounting. I’m tired. So very very tired. I want peace and financial stability. I sacrificed so much and took risks. I moved 1100 miles just to get to a state that had better financial circumstances with nothing but 400 dollars in my account and a promise of a job. When I finally got here everything got just as expensive as the west coast. If not arguably more expensive. I just want peace I feel I earned it. I’m doing all the right things but things keep getting worse…

When I heard of this group I made fun of you guys for years. But, is there an actual plan on fixing these circumstances? No one should of made the sacrifices I made and not be struggling. Even my Gen X father is looking at my circumstances and agreeing. I worked harder and tackled circumstances that would challenge my entire family tree. If I don’t get a livable circumstance after my BS I might be for you guys…… but before all of that. Is there an actual plan besides that circumstance on the news awhile back.

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