
I am giving myself 2.5 years before I leave the USA for good

2.5 years from now will be my 10 year anniversary from graduating from college in STEM. Since then I have earned an average of 30k per year. I have been laid off 3 times in this past 7.5 years. I spend all of my free time fixing the things I have because I cannot afford things that work. I can get a lab job in Mexico that pays 30k a year and the cost of living is 1/3rd compared to here. If I am not where I need to be financially by my 10 year anniversary, I will leave the country for good. I feel so bad for younger people. I am in my early 30s and I was lucky enough to get a complete dump of a house that has doubled in value. I'd have to make well over 100k today to buy the same house. This country does…

2.5 years from now will be my 10 year anniversary from graduating from college in STEM. Since then I have earned an average of 30k per year. I have been laid off 3 times in this past 7.5 years. I spend all of my free time fixing the things I have because I cannot afford things that work. I can get a lab job in Mexico that pays 30k a year and the cost of living is 1/3rd compared to here. If I am not where I need to be financially by my 10 year anniversary, I will leave the country for good.

I feel so bad for younger people. I am in my early 30s and I was lucky enough to get a complete dump of a house that has doubled in value. I'd have to make well over 100k today to buy the same house. This country does not appreciate college educated people. I cannot afford children. As this downwards spiral continues there will be a brain drain in this country and the best and brightest will leave. On this current trajectory, the USA has no future.

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