
I am poorer than 10 years ago despite earning 2x more.

Ok in 2013 I was earning around 2200/month. With this money I could afford a Mid Level appartment a car, groceries, a big vacation once a year and by the end of the month I still had like 300 left to save or spend as I saw fit. Now Im earning around 4000/month. I had to move to a low level appartment – drive the same car that I bought in 2013 – buy 20-30% less groceries, vaccations have been reduced to a small trip once a year and by the end of the month I have perhaps 100 bucks left. This doesnt seem right. If this continues I will be basically homeless even if I earn 6000/month in 10 years.

Ok in 2013 I was earning around 2200/month. With this money I could afford a Mid Level appartment a car, groceries, a big vacation once a year and by the end of the month I still had like 300 left to save or spend as I saw fit.

Now Im earning around 4000/month. I had to move to a low level appartment – drive the same car that I bought in 2013 – buy 20-30% less groceries, vaccations have been reduced to a small trip once a year and by the end of the month I have perhaps 100 bucks left.

This doesnt seem right. If this continues I will be basically homeless even if I earn 6000/month in 10 years.

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