
I am so fucking sick of being punished for being a good employee

You can tell someone is a shitty manager when their solution to having a weak team is to make their best employee compensate for it. I work at a pizza restaurant as a delivery driver and I'm told pretty often by my GM that I'm his best driver, at the same time though the responsibility of making up for people calling out will often fall on me. Being asked to close when people call out. We literally have drivers that will sit in their cars doing fuck all or standing around talking while I'm in the back doing dishes or sweeping. Barely anything is done about it. At one point half of our delivery team was doing crap like that and the only reason it's any different is because most of those people quit on their own accord My manager knows that I'm going through a financial crisis (I'm legally…

You can tell someone is a shitty manager when their solution to having a weak team is to make their best employee compensate for it. I work at a pizza restaurant as a delivery driver and I'm told pretty often by my GM that I'm his best driver, at the same time though the responsibility of making up for people calling out will often fall on me. Being asked to close when people call out. We literally have drivers that will sit in their cars doing fuck all or standing around talking while I'm in the back doing dishes or sweeping. Barely anything is done about it. At one point half of our delivery team was doing crap like that and the only reason it's any different is because most of those people quit on their own accord

My manager knows that I'm going through a financial crisis (I'm legally bankrupt) and I offered to cross train to pick up some insider shifts. Now my manager knows that insiders make less than the drivers when you consider tips. Despite knowing that I'm going through it financially, he's taking advantage of the fact that I'm cross trained to switch me from a driver to an insider. We'll be busy, peak dinner time and he'll pull me off the road to put me on the inside because his inside team is under staffed, I'll have to watch us DoorDash away deliveries that I could have taken. It's bullshit and a complete slap to the face, I bust my ass and that's the thanks I get? A paycut and extra responsibility? I'll tell you extra work and responsibilities with no just compensation is just slavery with extra steps. He's lucky, I've been desperately applying to new places looking for something better but as a young black man living in the rural deep south, getting an offer from anywhere other than shit paying pizza places and burger joints is pretty difficult (despite the fact I literally worked for Carvana driving a hauler, delivering cars as my job in the city I moved from. I'm over qualified for this BS). I would have left LONG ago if I wasn't getting so unlucky with my job search

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