
I am so sick of playing the corporate game.

I’m in my final two weeks and I’ve been made redundant from an executive assistant position in a huge entertainment company. I’ve done it – the schmoozing up to management lunches, contributions to team gifts, copious and constant over time and late nights with no pay increase and being passively aggressively forced into a well-being committee and “we are family” toxic gaslighting to make you sell your soul to the devil to meet deadlines bc you feel obliged. I simply cannot bear how fake the corporate world is. Let’s face it everyone is playing the game to serve THEMSELVES. I cannot bloody bear the dominant catty women who like to always chase up on requests and step on me I’m ready to fucking rage in my last week. I hate hate hate the fact that management don’t notice these women are self serving fake brown nosers. I don’t feel I…

I’m in my final two weeks and I’ve been made redundant from an executive assistant position in a huge entertainment company. I’ve done it – the schmoozing up to management lunches, contributions to team gifts, copious and constant over time and late nights with no pay increase and being passively aggressively forced into a well-being committee and “we are family” toxic gaslighting to make you sell your soul to the devil to meet deadlines bc you feel obliged.

I simply cannot bear how fake the corporate world is. Let’s face it everyone is playing the game to serve THEMSELVES.

I cannot bloody bear the dominant catty women who like to always chase up on requests and step on me I’m ready to fucking rage in my last week. I hate hate hate the fact that management don’t notice these women are self serving fake brown nosers.

I don’t feel I fit in, I cringe at having to fake smile and play along to this inauthentic behaviour. Anyone else?

I’ve noticed that egotistical management reward the sycophants and people who literally email at 11pm at night ( heck they have them cheap ) and expect you to be doing 12 hour days otherwise you’re dead to them. Fuck this. I’ve had panic attacks and burnout twice and I refuse to let any job ever compromise my health again.

I can’t wait to be out, it’s so unhealthy.

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