
I am soooo sick of jobs with terrible SOPs

I just left a shitty restaurant gig to work at an unknowingly shitty law firm gig in an administrative position. I thought for sure that at a law firm that AT LEAST their training and processes would actually make sense. No. Ive had three “trainers” in one week. Trainers is in quotes because two of them are actually just junior employees who have no idea how to train anyone. Im going to stay here until I can find a better position but I'm just annoyed that employers don't care enough about making their employees jobs easier by regularly figuring out what works and doesn't work. I know they care more about profit than anything but to me, efficiency means more profits! The way I see it, the less a lawyer has to correct mistakes from poorly trained employees, the more clients he can maintain and give greater service to which…

I just left a shitty restaurant gig to work at an unknowingly shitty law firm gig in an administrative position.

I thought for sure that at a law firm that AT LEAST their training and processes would actually make sense.

No. Ive had three “trainers” in one week. Trainers is in quotes because two of them are actually just junior employees who have no idea how to train anyone.

Im going to stay here until I can find a better position but I'm just annoyed that employers don't care enough about making their employees jobs easier by regularly figuring out what works and doesn't work.

I know they care more about profit than anything but to me, efficiency means more profits! The way I see it, the less a lawyer has to correct mistakes from poorly trained employees, the more clients he can maintain and give greater service to which would boost retention and new clientele due to recommendations.

And dont get me started on employees who are so stuck on doing things one way, that they refuse to accept even suggestion of change from newer employees who notice every could be a little better.

Rant over lol

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