
i am starting to lose hope that i will ever find a suitable and sustainable job

you can probably take a look at my other post from my previous job. i feel as if every job i have taken within the past 2 years has been consistently horrible whether it be pay, hours, management, workplace environment, work-life balance, etc. i don’t like to view myself as picky when it comes to jobs, but i’d like to take into consideration that i enjoy being treated fairly and working in a job that i enjoy. i recently took a job at a large retail clothing store chain at a high-traffic mall. retail is my area, so i am generally comfortable and catch onto things quickly. but lord, i barely get scheduled any hours (12-18 hours a week) at $15/hour which i have mentioned to my managers that i am the oldest person on the sales floor meaning that i am the only person out of the other sales…

you can probably take a look at my other post from my previous job. i feel as if every job i have taken within the past 2 years has been consistently horrible whether it be pay, hours, management, workplace environment, work-life balance, etc. i don’t like to view myself as picky when it comes to jobs, but i’d like to take into consideration that i enjoy being treated fairly and working in a job that i enjoy. i recently took a job at a large retail clothing store chain at a high-traffic mall. retail is my area, so i am generally comfortable and catch onto things quickly. but lord, i barely get scheduled any hours (12-18 hours a week) at $15/hour which i have mentioned to my managers that i am the oldest person on the sales floor meaning that i am the only person out of the other sales associates that is over the age of 20 that lives on their own and pays for their own expenses.

that’s not to say people don’t pay for things on their own, i won’t make assumptions. but i have consistently emphasized that i have rent and bills to pay and my scheduled hours are absolutely horrible. sometimes i will even look at the schedule to see it changed that an entire shift or two were just removed from the schedule without letting me know. there was a time i drove the 30 minute drive at 7AM to clock in and was told i was taken off of the schedule the night before without my knowledge. it is coming to the point where my stress and bipolar disorder are getting progressively worse as i am struggling to maintain between being able to eat or still being able to afford where i live right now.

not the only thing, but one of the managers has an absolutely horrible attitude. she constantly pressures sales associates but more in particular myself to ask over and over again if a customer is okay, if they need help with anything, what size do you need? i’m sure if the customer said they were fine the first two times, i will get the same answer the third time around. she has gotten aggressive at times because of me being hesitant to hover over customers, and more in particular, customers of color where i don’t want to be accused of profiling them for simply taking a look around at the clothing. one time i had a question to ask and i waited near the area while occupying myself with folding clothing, and she asks in a snarky tone “can i help you with anything?” and continues talking with the other employee and laughing. i feel so stressed now to go in and make a mistake, but i just want a long enough time period of a job on my resume for when i graduate college in a year. i am just losing my mind at horrible pay and awful managers.

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