
I am…so excited for generation Z to not only enter…but BECOME the work force. Thoughts?

Anyone else? I know this won’t happen for a good 20 years. But I can’t wait to see how office culture and work culture in general changes. I see tik toks of generation Z essentially stating that they are only looking to work the hours they need in order to get stuff done, (but for the same amount of pay), mental health days, etc. Now, I know it could take a while. But it makes me hopeful that people are catching on to this “work yourself to death” mentality being completely out of style. I will never work an abusive job. I would quite literally rather be homeless. I absolutely love listening to boomers complain about the following generations being lazy, unorganized, etc. it ignites something inside of me. This is more of a satire-ish post. Obviously I’m not expecting them to change everything. But very interesting to think what…

Anyone else? I know this won’t happen for a good 20 years. But I can’t wait to see how office culture and work culture in general changes.

I see tik toks of generation Z essentially stating that they are only looking to work the hours they need in order to get stuff done, (but for the same amount of pay), mental health days, etc.

Now, I know it could take a while. But it makes me hopeful that people are catching on to this “work yourself to death” mentality being completely out of style. I will never work an abusive job. I would quite literally rather be homeless.

I absolutely love listening to boomers complain about the following generations being lazy, unorganized, etc. it ignites something inside of me.

This is more of a satire-ish post. Obviously I’m not expecting them to change everything. But very interesting to think what it’ll be like years from now, when the boomers are fully retired (or dead LOL).


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