
I asked my team lead for more communication and got yelled at and sat down with the CEO

Literally wish I was making this up. It's so funny but also sad and frustrating. People were complaining about my team lead and manager so I told them maybe all the departments need to sit down and talk and get on the same page and I got yelled at that they need to “follow the chain of command” and eventually had to literally sit down with the CEO because my team lead tried to mislead her about what I was asking. She tried to make it seem like I was demanding meeting minutes for everything the managers were doing…I literally asked for better communication with other departments and also for myself…wh…wha…what?? Just…better (as in ANY) communication. I tried to explain to the CEO what I actually said and my manager was on the phone with us and tried to refute what I said but luckily I had my phone and…

Literally wish I was making this up. It's so funny but also sad and frustrating. People were complaining about my team lead and manager so I told them maybe all the departments need to sit down and talk and get on the same page and I got yelled at that they need to “follow the chain of command” and eventually had to literally sit down with the CEO because my team lead tried to mislead her about what I was asking.

She tried to make it seem like I was demanding meeting minutes for everything the managers were doing…I literally asked for better communication with other departments and also for myself…wh…wha…what?? Just…better (as in ANY) communication.

I tried to explain to the CEO what I actually said and my manager was on the phone with us and tried to refute what I said but luckily I had my phone and was able to pull up texts that showed my manager ignoring my direct request for something.

What is the reason for lying so hard???

I wasn't even thinking about what they might have been doing before, but now I'm wondering if they're doing something shady and were trying to cover it up and distract from the issue but kinda outted themselves in the process.

Bonus: The CEO tried to clap back responsibility on me but I was able to provide details of me doing the proper things despite no direction or management from my manager. Do upper managers not realize though that management is their responsibility? Not mine? Like…manage me, you get paid for that shit. I just proved you're paying for manager for nothing, how does that feel mister CEO?

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