
I cannot stand working

What is wrong with me? I work at home, which is a good thing for me because I have fibromyalgia after an accident. I had to stop working for 1 year to aid recovery. I now have this WFH job, which I'm grateful for because I was basically broke ad possibly about to be evicted because I couldn't even afford food much less rent. Working is tearing me apart, I hate it. I feel like I'm in hell. I have worked on my peace of mind, but as I go to work, the supervisor or manager's only job is to plant the seed of fear and worry and I refuse to allow another human to have that power over me.

What is wrong with me? I work at home, which is a good thing for me because I have fibromyalgia after an accident. I had to stop working for 1 year to aid recovery. I now have this WFH job, which I'm grateful for because I was basically broke ad possibly about to be evicted because I couldn't even afford food much less rent. Working is tearing me apart, I hate it. I feel like I'm in hell.

I have worked on my peace of mind, but as I go to work, the supervisor or manager's only job is to plant the seed of fear and worry and I refuse to allow another human to have that power over me.

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