
I can’t find myself to care about my job at all

I work a very boring office job at a prison and nothing I do really makes a difference in the actual prison. It’s just bullshit administrative work that no one cares about and that my managers even bother with because they have much more important things to worry about. Due to the nature of the job we can’t have our cell phones, headphones, I can’t read on my downtime (which is about 7 hours of my day), can’t wear sweatpants, jeans, or sweaters with hoodies, leggings, etc. I sit at my desk all day on the verge of tears because of how bored and useless my job is. The previous job I worked at, had purpose and was more labor intensive, which kept me moving and I felt healthier because I wasn’t sitting down all day eating. I’m starting to get to work late, not caring for the consequences. I…

I work a very boring office job at a prison and nothing I do really makes a difference in the actual prison. It’s just bullshit administrative work that no one cares about and that my managers even bother with because they have much more important things to worry about. Due to the nature of the job we can’t have our cell phones, headphones, I can’t read on my downtime (which is about 7 hours of my day), can’t wear sweatpants, jeans, or sweaters with hoodies, leggings, etc. I sit at my desk all day on the verge of tears because of how bored and useless my job is. The previous job I worked at, had purpose and was more labor intensive, which kept me moving and I felt healthier because I wasn’t sitting down all day eating. I’m starting to get to work late, not caring for the consequences. I ask to leave early occasionally because it’s just absolutely nothing to do. I call into work because I just can’t stand the office environment sometimes and all the oversharing that my coworkers do (I shouldn’t know everyone’s life story but people just talk all day long). It’s draining and confining and I’ve never felt this way towards any job I’ve had and it scares me because I do have strong work ethic but this job is ruining me.

I’ve been actively putting in job interviews to leave and I’ve had a few interviews but haven’t heard back results yet. I thought I would like office desk job type work but it’s incredibly boring and I hate it.

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