
I can’t get over the fact that the most money I’ll probably ever have will be due to getting injured on the job.

I am in a real mental spiral as of late. I shattered my ankle at my job, recently got a second (and hopefully last) surgery on it. I’ve been on worker’s comp for a year and a half, recovering from it. My job is very manual labor heavy, so I haven’t been able to return due to my inability to walk/lift heavy things without complication. I’m starting physical therapy again soon, and hopefully heading toward the end of this exhausting journey. I’m a hard worker, some would say probably too hard. I’m ashamed to say i’ve let jobs take advantage of my work ethic, but I’ve always been well liked at my jobs, and have been promoted quickly at every place I’ve worked. As I’m sure you all understand in some way, there were times I needed money more than I could value my rights as a worker. But why…

I am in a real mental spiral as of late. I shattered my ankle at my job, recently got a second (and hopefully last) surgery on it. I’ve been on worker’s comp for a year and a half, recovering from it. My job is very manual labor heavy, so I haven’t been able to return due to my inability to walk/lift heavy things without complication. I’m starting physical therapy again soon, and hopefully heading toward the end of this exhausting journey.

I’m a hard worker, some would say probably too hard. I’m ashamed to say i’ve let jobs take advantage of my work ethic, but I’ve always been well liked at my jobs, and have been promoted quickly at every place I’ve worked. As I’m sure you all understand in some way, there were times I needed money more than I could value my rights as a worker.

But why have I worked so hard? All these years working my ass off only to hurt myself and most likely get a settlement that is 10x bigger than any paycheck i’ve ever gotten?

Why couldn’t my jobs just take care of me while I was there and not after I snapped my ankle into pieces? Where is the humanity in that?

I feel like a pawn. Years of my life wasted. Like the only way I can get money is if I physically destroy myself for these jobs. I can’t live like this. I loved my job, more specifically my coworkers. I’ve wanted to go back for ages. But i can’t do these jobs knowing I’m not able to survive financially without breaking me. I’m freaking 40 years away from retirement age. This is no life.

Also as an aside, worker’s comp sucks. Get a lawyer immediately if you ever get hurt on the job.

Has anyone experienced something similar? How did you cope emotionally?

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