
I can’t possibly go over and beyond

I’m so burnt out. 8 months into my new job and i’m burnt out. This is a shiny job that pays well and I have been told I am performing well at work over the past months. But I think they’ll start expecting even more of me. To go out of my way to build more elaborate structures for the organisation that will take the life of me. How do I even tell them I’m too tired, I can’t take this on?

I’m so burnt out. 8 months into my new job and i’m burnt out. This is a shiny job that pays well and I have been told I am performing well at work over the past months. But I think they’ll start expecting even more of me. To go out of my way to build more elaborate structures for the organisation that will take the life of me. How do I even tell them I’m too tired, I can’t take this on?

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