
I can’t stand healthcare anymore. Need to vent

Im a CNA. I moved units within the hospital because i felt undervalued and burnt out. now i just cant stand healthcare as a whole. I make 17 dollars an hour cleaning up infectious diarrhea. I really dont even mind wiping butts and cleaning up after the elderly because i would want the same done for me if i ever get to that point. However its all i ever do at work anymore. Its been 2 years and ive only gotten a raise of 10 cents. the CNA who was hired to replace me in my old unit has no experience , fresh out of highschool and started at 21 dollars an hour. makes me feel worthless. makes me feel like my work doesnt matter. im depressed, after work im covered in pee and shit and vomit and all i do when i get home is cry and drink in…

Im a CNA. I moved units within the hospital because i felt undervalued and burnt out. now i just cant stand healthcare as a whole.
I make 17 dollars an hour cleaning up infectious diarrhea. I really dont even mind wiping butts and cleaning up after the elderly because i would want the same done for me if i ever get to that point. However its all i ever do at work anymore. Its been 2 years and ive only gotten a raise of 10 cents. the CNA who was hired to replace me in my old unit has no experience , fresh out of highschool and started at 21 dollars an hour. makes me feel worthless. makes me feel like my work doesnt matter. im depressed, after work im covered in pee and shit and vomit and all i do when i get home is cry and drink in the shower. The only recognition ive ever gotten was i recieved a nurses week crappy lunch box (only meant for the nurses) and i only got it because my coworkers pitied me and asked my manager to give me one. I could go on and on about everything i've experienced but i wont because i dont feel like it rn.
I love my patients. I work in oncology and it makes me overjoyed to see my patients get better and go home. I have a bond with alot of my patients and i deeply care for them.
But i cant take it anymore. I thought i wanted to be a nurse but not anymore. 3 years of school down the drain

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