
I can’t stop looking at employees at certain jobs and not feel hurt for them

Recently dropped outta uni (im still gonna finish) to focus on securing a 4/5 day WFH job for 46k salary. In NY money, its dogshit but holyfuck does it feel good to have the flexibility to play whatever game i want while working. Idgaf that I’m basically broke,I pay my rent, the job gives me my benefits, and I’m, above all else, going to be okay. Yes, I’m making almost half of what i would’ve made with my choice field (teaching but by me, teachers make good money) but im not going insane at work, and that’s more than i couldve ever asked for. Ever since securing the job though, I cant help but feel heartbroken as everywhere I go, I see full grown adults being borderline abused and paid mere pennies for shit thats 90x harder than anything that I have to do for my job. Ive had literal…

Recently dropped outta uni (im still gonna finish) to focus on securing a 4/5 day WFH job for 46k salary. In NY money, its dogshit but holyfuck does it feel good to have the flexibility to play whatever game i want while working. Idgaf that I’m basically broke,I pay my rent, the job gives me my benefits, and I’m, above all else, going to be okay. Yes, I’m making almost half of what i would’ve made with my choice field (teaching but by me, teachers make good money) but im not going insane at work, and that’s more than i couldve ever asked for.

Ever since securing the job though, I cant help but feel heartbroken as everywhere I go, I see full grown adults being borderline abused and paid mere pennies for shit thats 90x harder than anything that I have to do for my job. Ive had literal nightmares of my coworkers crying on the job (special ed job) where they were clearly overwhelmed and underpaid. It makes me almost have some sort of survivors guilt and it feels terrible. How do y’all deal with this feeling that everywhere you look, you see people stuck, barely able to keep their head above the surface all while you’re doing okay?

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