
I created a terrible sin

I went to HR I suffer from anxiety. I work in security. I may have misunderstood a direction or order and this caused a few minute delay as I had another employer verify an issue. On the phone my supervisor’s began telling me I have no common sense and my anxiety broke, I had an attack and said something. I was ordered to report to the office. At the office I was informed how unacceptable my behavior was. I informed them I was having an anxiety attack and was told it didn’t matter and wasn’t an excuse. So after being berated for half an hour I hid in the restroom until I had enough composure go to my supply bag and get my emergency medications. When I came out I was confronted again. Another 10 min hiding in the restroom I finally go to my pills. So I committed the…

I went to HR

I suffer from anxiety.

I work in security.

I may have misunderstood a direction or order and this caused a few minute delay as I had another employer verify an issue.

On the phone my supervisor’s began telling me I have no common sense and my anxiety broke, I had an attack and said something. I was ordered to report to the office.

At the office I was informed how unacceptable my behavior was. I informed them I was having an anxiety attack and was told it didn’t matter and wasn’t an excuse. So after being berated for half an hour I hid in the restroom until I had enough composure go to my supply bag and get my emergency medications.

When I came out I was confronted again. Another 10 min hiding in the restroom I finally go to my pills.

So I committed the sin of going to HR. They helped me fill out FMLA paperwork and want me to complete ADA paperwork so we can go over reasonable accommodations.

Tomorrow HR goes to the big boss with my complaints. My FMLA paperwork is handed in and I’ll take a few weeks to work on the ADA form.

I’m nervous as hell about the fallout tomorrow and I need to figure out reasonable accommodations.

So far I think if I tell my boss I’m having an attack I should be allowed a grace period to take my emergency meds and calm down. Conversation can continue once I’ve regained my composure.

Edit: I qualify for retirement with a pension in another 1.5 years. So I do need to tough it out.

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