
I decided not only to bring productivity at minimum level, but to behave in this way in every future job. Is my reasoning correct?

A month ago I started to behave poorly at my workplace, letting my productivity at a minimum , because I was not sure if I have been renewed (basically I discounted the salary for the risk of not being renewed and acted according to this real salary). One week ago an email arrived noticing me that my contract are going to expire today. I feel good on how I behaved, knowing also that my reasoning is coherent with economic theory. Are my behavior correct or do you guys see some fallacies?

A month ago I started to behave poorly at my workplace, letting my productivity at a minimum , because I was not sure if I have been renewed (basically I discounted the salary for the risk of not being renewed and acted according to this real salary). One week ago an email arrived noticing me that my contract are going to expire today. I feel good on how I behaved, knowing also that my reasoning is coherent with economic theory. Are my behavior correct or do you guys see some fallacies?

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