
I desperately want a “normal” job

I started working in food service 9 years ago to put myself through college. I have a journalism degree from a highly competitive program. Had a solid GPA, worked for the student newspaper and magazine, played in multiple classical ensembles on the side and worked full time to avoid student loans. I have all kinds of 'marketable' skills. I live in a super high cost of living area and coming right out college bartending at fancy restaurant afforded me a comfy life made about 60k a year but I worked 50 plus hours per week. I was young and alone so i worked my ass off to try and gain a little financial security. My rent has over doubled in the past two years and I simply cant work enough to cover my bills and be comfortable or make any kind of financial progress. I'm exhausted and have no time…

I started working in food service 9 years ago to put myself through college. I have a journalism degree from a highly competitive program. Had a solid GPA, worked for the student newspaper and magazine, played in multiple classical ensembles on the side and worked full time to avoid student loans. I have all kinds of 'marketable' skills. I live in a super high cost of living area and coming right out college bartending at fancy restaurant afforded me a comfy life made about 60k a year but I worked 50 plus hours per week. I was young and alone so i worked my ass off to try and gain a little financial security.

My rent has over doubled in the past two years and I simply cant work enough to cover my bills and be comfortable or make any kind of financial progress. I'm exhausted and have no time for my hobbies and see my partner about 15 minutes a day because he works a normal 9-5 job and I work all hours of the night.

I recently took a portfolio/ skill building course in copywriting to try and polish up my skills so I could get into a copywriting career. I apply to 50 jobs a week, cold pitch clients and am active on freelancing sites and have been making no headway. I do about 3 interviews a month and keep getting told my writings good, my website is creative and fun but I just don't have enough experience. Ive done multiple unpaid internships at this point. The jobs I'm applying for a super entry level in my field and would be a significant pay cut starting out but I'm just trying to get a foot in the door.

No one takes me seriously because of my background in food service. I recently did an interview for an order packer/ email replier for a shoe company and they were so rude to me during the interview and doubted my ability to handle their” fast paced” environment which was laughable compared to the service industry. The whole thing is just so infuriating. I'm literally a mid twenties regular ass looking well educated hard working woman with no disabilities or anything holding me back and I can't get an entry level communications job. I've been given so many privileges and I still can't find a way to succeed. I keep getting beat out by people with 10 plus years of experience for these shitty jobs that don't even pay more than bartending.

I don't want to give up because the cost of living situation is just going to get worse and im getting to a point were I really need health insurance, but I'm simply at a loss. I feel like no one understands even my therapist didn't believe me when I talked to her about this citing that my degree should get me in anywhere I wanted and it's just not true. I hate feeling so helpless I can't get anyone to give me a chance. I feel like such a whiny little bitch but it's tough out here and I wanted to vent.

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