
I did it… I cracked the code and now I get paid to do nothing!

Well guys, after 6 years I did it! I get paid to never work. And I get free flights anywhere in the world as an added bonus. I’m a flight attendant, and we have a two group system. I’ll explain it pretty simple: Newer FAs are called “Reserves” and basically are on call 16 days a month for 12 hours a day. After a few years you move into the other group, “Lineholders”. Lineholders receive their schedule a month ahead of time and can trade/post their flights for pickup etc. If a Lineholder calls off sick/emergency, Crew Scheduling calls up a Reserve to come fill in for them. As a Reserve, you get paid for 5 hours of “work” every day they don’t call you. They call the newest person first, working their way up to most senior. Most of them are under three years of seniority. But, being six…

Well guys, after 6 years I did it! I get paid to never work. And I get free flights anywhere in the world as an added bonus. I’m a flight attendant, and we have a two group system. I’ll explain it pretty simple: Newer FAs are called “Reserves” and basically are on call 16 days a month for 12 hours a day. After a few years you move into the other group, “Lineholders”. Lineholders receive their schedule a month ahead of time and can trade/post their flights for pickup etc. If a Lineholder calls off sick/emergency, Crew Scheduling calls up a Reserve to come fill in for them.

As a Reserve, you get paid for 5 hours of “work” every day they don’t call you. They call the newest person first, working their way up to most senior. Most of them are under three years of seniority. But, being six years in, I volunteered to go on call. 😉

Now I’m dead last to get called every day. I’ve only worked maybe five or so days since November, but I still get to collect my checks every month. Sure, they’re small checks, but I get paid almost $200 a day to do absolutely nothing. I just turn my phone on loud from 9am-9pm and go about my day. I can see a list showing how many people are ahead of me. Only downside is I can’t even have a glass of wine with dinner because policy is you can’t drink while on call lol. Now I basically don’t work at all and still get to keep my flight benefits (free standby flights for me, my parents, my bf, and two friends)! I know I can’t complain but im getting kinda bored, might need to find a hobby.

(I will also add I paid my dues my early years! As a newbie they’d called me at the ripe hour of 4am, and tell me to pack a bag for the next four days. My first year I developed a constant eye twitch from lack of sleep, stress, and long sixteen hour days. So I am enjoying this hard earned victory! Cheers!)

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