
I did the math on how much you’d need to make to afford a single bedroom apartment in Michigan and shared the results of my findings with friends/family. Not an ounce of concern.

$27/hr. That's the bare minimum you'd need to afford a single bedroom apartment, NOT including taxes or other expenditures, if you factored rent at 25% of your monthly income (which is what I was taught). You'd think people would be like, “wow, that's insane!” or “rental prices are out of control!” But no, the actual responses I got were, “you need to work a minimum of 60 hours a week if you want to get ahead in life” and “just go to college and become a dentist or learn a trade.” People just don't fucking care about the rest of us. If you work minimum wage, you deserve to be homeless and miserable. That's what everyone tells me without actually telling me. I'm so sick of this shit; even when I try to explain factual information about why all of that is bullshit thinking, it just comes down to “get…

$27/hr. That's the bare minimum you'd need to afford a single bedroom apartment, NOT including taxes or other expenditures, if you factored rent at 25% of your monthly income (which is what I was taught).

You'd think people would be like, “wow, that's insane!” or “rental prices are out of control!” But no, the actual responses I got were, “you need to work a minimum of 60 hours a week if you want to get ahead in life” and “just go to college and become a dentist or learn a trade.”

People just don't fucking care about the rest of us. If you work minimum wage, you deserve to be homeless and miserable. That's what everyone tells me without actually telling me. I'm so sick of this shit; even when I try to explain factual information about why all of that is bullshit thinking, it just comes down to “get a better job and quit being lazy.”

I just want to live in a house and take care of my cat…

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