
I do the exact same work as coworkers in the U.S. do, but I get paid 8 times less.

I'm a web developer in Latin America. I work for an international marketing company that has branches all around the world. Coworkers in Miami make 8 times my wage and can afford rent + necessities comfortably while I can't even rent a studio apartment at my city working a full time skilled job (I know every job requires skill but you get my point). They, even while earning that much money, are also profitable to the company, so I can only imagine how much the corporate leech from us Latin Americans. They do the exact same job alongside our branch, and even less most of the time, this makes me angry to no end and I am desperately trying to find a new job that at least pays me a little more so I can move out of my parents' house. I envy first-worlders a lot, how easy some of…

I'm a web developer in Latin America. I work for an international marketing company that has branches all around the world. Coworkers in Miami make 8 times my wage and can afford rent + necessities comfortably while I can't even rent a studio apartment at my city working a full time skilled job (I know every job requires skill but you get my point).

They, even while earning that much money, are also profitable to the company, so I can only imagine how much the corporate leech from us Latin Americans. They do the exact same job alongside our branch, and even less most of the time, this makes me angry to no end and I am desperately trying to find a new job that at least pays me a little more so I can move out of my parents' house. I envy first-worlders a lot, how easy some of them have it, their purchasing power and their stability. As much as the U.S. is culturally a shithole, you cannot deny you live in a consumerist paradise compared to 99% of human history, and that you have many more possibilities to develop your career and have a stable life.

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