
I don’t care. I just don’t care about my bullshit job. How can anyone say they care about a corporate job when there is a million and one thing to do with your life?

I don't know if it's depression, old age or the state of the world but I truly don't care about my job. I don't hate it because I like people I work with, nobody is negative or is forcing me to do something. It's just I really don't care about only moving money from point a to point b and providing typical front and middle office banking corporate boring services to another millionaire or billionaire family. The world is burning, the gini index is getting worst by the day, we are still in a pandemic (hello long covid), more people are getting crushed by debts and medical costs and I should care about a fatca filling or some board resolutions or yesterday nav or some new crypto ponzi scheme? I'm lucky I'm not a sales because I couldn't look myself in the mirror at the end of the day. Selling…

I don't know if it's depression, old age or the state of the world but I truly don't care about my job. I don't hate it because I like people I work with, nobody is negative or is forcing me to do something. It's just I really don't care about only moving money from point a to point b and providing typical front and middle office banking corporate boring services to another millionaire or billionaire family.

The world is burning, the gini index is getting worst by the day, we are still in a pandemic (hello long covid), more people are getting crushed by debts and medical costs and I should care about a fatca filling or some board resolutions or yesterday nav or some new crypto ponzi scheme?

I'm lucky I'm not a sales because I couldn't look myself in the mirror at the end of the day. Selling services to billionaires on how to make them more millions all the while my boss buys another house in London and I'm here filling their paperwork because the government decided thats how we will catch the “bad guys” and prevent money laundering. Lol. Last I heard only 0.7% of money launderers get stopped (not even arrested and prosecuted, just frozen)

My engagement is so low that I often respond that I did something last week, forget ever saying it and then looking like a deer in the headlights if it is brought up again, then I mumble something 'I need to double check' or 'I'm working on it' and that's it.

And the worst are these schools and certificates that seemingly teach you something. I'm sorry but if I dont care at all about what I'm doing at work then you want me to spare my little time between my commute and sleep to read more about this stuff? Lol.

And no, if you ask me, I will not resign. I need money to eat and to have a roof over my head. And yes, Im working I am this sector because I buy my time back. The salary is good enough that I can just save money for the inevitable future where they finally fire me.

Mysilent protest is laying flat, doing the bare minimum and silently quitting.

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