
I don’t even get time to heal

TW: SA I’ve been at my workplace since we opened last June. In that time period at work I’ve experienced having a stalker and being SA’d by a former manager of the same gender. I’ve currently got tendinitis in my hip. Using a wheelchair for most of the time (school, the store, etc.) I wasn’t hurting too bad after school today. I had to take my best friend/coworker to work. This is where I make a massive mistake, We get there with time to spare, so we head in and I decide to grab a burger. I’m not using the chair or knee scooter because it was just a couple of steps, and I wasn’t hurting too bad. One of my managers comes up and goes “what’re you doing back?” I just kinda dodged the question because I just want my burger, not a interrogation with a side of a…


I’ve been at my workplace since we opened last June. In that time period at work I’ve experienced having a stalker and being SA’d by a former manager of the same gender.

I’ve currently got tendinitis in my hip. Using a wheelchair for most of the time (school, the store, etc.) I wasn’t hurting too bad after school today. I had to take my best friend/coworker to work. This is where I make a massive mistake, We get there with time to spare, so we head in and I decide to grab a burger. I’m not using the chair or knee scooter because it was just a couple of steps, and I wasn’t hurting too bad. One of my managers comes up and goes “what’re you doing back?” I just kinda dodged the question because I just want my burger, not a interrogation with a side of a burger.

This new girl I’ve worked with once takes my order. She asks the same manager if I can get my discount (takes off literally 15 percent, that’s it, not even a whole dollar) the same manager comes over again and goes “depends on when tables is coming back.” I was shook, I was expecting them to be joking around, so I just stood there waiting for them to laugh, but they weren’t joking. I’m planning on texting our GM and letting them know that I should be able to be back by next week.

Everyone at work knows about the strokes I’ve had, but there are still misconceptions. Now I have to educate them about ambulatory wheelchair users. I’m not some sort of educator, I’m tired of having to educate people on my disability, It’s no one’s business, and I wish they’d let me adapt my job for my needs, instead of them failing at trying to figure out my needs, and adapting to those needs they think I have. I get paid peanuts. But I head off to college in the fall, so I guess I’ll just stick it out.

Thanks for providing a place to rant, and I hope this all makes sense. 🙂

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