I have been working a year and a half in this organization, I am really passionate about education and I put my heart on it. My manager left last week and he offered me his job, since I have been basically his shadow and a great team, would cover for him every time he was out of office. I was basically the assistant manager, So naturally I said yes. I was waiting for the offer, just to find out our director gave it to someone else from another department in our organizations great worker but never worked our field and has no idea how to manage our programs, classes, etc. There is no one else to train him other than me.
Today I talked to the director and asked why he had gotten the job and not me and really never gave me a valid reason other than “he has been here longer”, when I questioned, I was told I have fallen short, which is the first time I heard any feedback like that, I got a raise a few months ago with a letter from same director congratulating my performance . Then was told it was because I didn’t apply for the job but I never knew the position was even open for anyone else to apply. So I don’t get it… I was given lame excuses and basically just told, “maybe next time”. I found out how much they will be paying this new person and it was a punch in the stomach.
I have to cover tomorrow for people who took the week off to go enjoy their families and I feel so icky.