
I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing

Hi, I’m new to this sub so let me know if I’m breaking any rules. I’ve recently gotten a new job after having spent my whole working life on minimum wage. Financially it’s the best thing for me. It’s what’ll keep me from being homeless. It’s been three days and I already hate it. The people are fine but I can’t stand going from a four day week, mostly working from home to five days fully in an office with an unreliable bus commute. I know a lot of people will think I’m lazy but I just can’t hack it. I’ve been doing a part time degree on the side and I’ve fallen so far behind. So I sent a desperate email to my old boss basically begging him for my old job back. Which my manager said he’d probably give to me but there would probably be an increase…

Hi, I’m new to this sub so let me know if I’m breaking any rules.

I’ve recently gotten a new job after having spent my whole working life on minimum wage. Financially it’s the best thing for me. It’s what’ll keep me from being homeless.

It’s been three days and I already hate it. The people are fine but I can’t stand going from a four day week, mostly working from home to five days fully in an office with an unreliable bus commute. I know a lot of people will think I’m lazy but I just can’t hack it. I’ve been doing a part time degree on the side and I’ve fallen so far behind.

So I sent a desperate email to my old boss basically begging him for my old job back. Which my manager said he’d probably give to me but there would probably be an increase in responsibility (not pay though, I’m sure of that).

The problem is doing this means I’m going to have to be relying on my mum for a lot longer. She said she just wants me to be happy but I feel bad. And my rents going up soon so I might have to try moving and it’s impossible to find a place. My brother was saying he might move in with her and her partner and I could stay here and try to find a place by myself but I’d just be so lonely. It’s sad because I’m 28 but I’ve never lived without at least one family member.

I’m so unsure of what’s going to happen and so afraid of being alone. I feel like no matter what I’ll be unhappy and there’s not a decision I can make that I won’t regret.

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