
I don’t make enough to even celebrate my own birthday

It’s my birthday today and the sad reality is I’m still too poor to find any joy in it. Growing up as other kids got new toys and clothes my family was so lower class I wouldn’t get anything. I know that probably sounds a little shitty to care about materialistic things but as other kids would flaunt their birthday gifts I would have teachers ask me what I got for my birthday and I would just shrug my shoulders. Now grown up and working a job just to live paycheck to paycheck it’s the same exact thing. I see people I went to high school with posting how their parents got them this new phone or laptop or how their friends took them out to a nice dinner for their birthday and it just makes me envious. I wish I could treat myself but I literally have to budget…

It’s my birthday today and the sad reality is I’m still too poor to find any joy in it. Growing up as other kids got new toys and clothes my family was so lower class I wouldn’t get anything. I know that probably sounds a little shitty to care about materialistic things but as other kids would flaunt their birthday gifts I would have teachers ask me what I got for my birthday and I would just shrug my shoulders.

Now grown up and working a job just to live paycheck to paycheck it’s the same exact thing. I see people I went to high school with posting how their parents got them this new phone or laptop or how their friends took them out to a nice dinner for their birthday and it just makes me envious. I wish I could treat myself but I literally have to budget down to the dollar with how expensive everything is these days. It sucks but the sad reality is keeping the lights on by paying the bills is more important than a birthday dinner or a gift. It just really drains me that I’m another year older yet my life feels just as shitty as it did when I was younger.

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