
I don’t think that was appropriate

For some background, I moved to Philly back in February to take a promotion with the same company. Money wasn’t where I wanted it to be but wife and I agreed there would be more opportunities than we had in rural Ohio. Fast forward several months and the supervisor for the new position had irritated me beyond the pale, the final straw being when he told me I should’ve stepped over a colleague who was in the middle of seizing and get back to work, effectively letting my colleague die. Paramedics, my wife, everyone else who was there said that I specifically had saved his life so this isn’t an ego thing. Anyways, about a month later I found a job at another company set to start after thanksgiving and gave them 4 weeks notice at my old job, and offering to come in nights and weekends to complete setting…

For some background, I moved to Philly back in February to take a promotion with the same company. Money wasn’t where I wanted it to be but wife and I agreed there would be more opportunities than we had in rural Ohio. Fast forward several months and the supervisor for the new position had irritated me beyond the pale, the final straw being when he told me I should’ve stepped over a colleague who was in the middle of seizing and get back to work, effectively letting my colleague die. Paramedics, my wife, everyone else who was there said that I specifically had saved his life so this isn’t an ego thing.

Anyways, about a month later I found a job at another company set to start after thanksgiving and gave them 4 weeks notice at my old job, and offering to come in nights and weekends to complete setting up their new site after construction had finished. Two weeks later I was called into HR where they called my boss (he worked remotely) and was told they’d no longer be needing my services. I was then escorted out by security while HR boxed up what items I had left at my desk. Thankfully I had alreadybrought most of my stuff home so it wasn’t a whole lot, this still caught me by surprise though and I’m still upset about it almost 2 months later.

Fast forward to today, when one of my friends from that office called and put me on with a VP who started asking questions about the computers that I had prepped for the new space and what I had planned to do with some others I had labeled with various faults. I explained to him which computers were good, where specific computers I had designated for supervisor use, and how I had planned to combine two failed computers in an attempt to make one working system when downtime allowed, thus saving the company money both in terms of reducing e-waste and having to replace computers if I could get them working.

VP thanked me and hung up, but afterwards I got annoyed about the call and feel it was inappropriate. Your company told me they didn’t need me, now here you are asking for info I offered two months ago at my then pay rate. Which is it? Am I wrong to feel upset about this call?

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