
I don’t understand how they skew the employment numbers

Obviously, the unemployment rate is NOT at 3.5% or whatever dumb low percentage they erroneously claim that it is. I don't understand how they come up with these numbers. It's almost like they have an incentive to lie to you just to shape your perception that “everything is fine.” I wonder why that is, regarding the incentive to maintain a sense of calm/peace and order? Possibly because the Federal Reserve controls the money supply. If everyone figured out that there's really no jobs and it's all fakery and lies… They would have a serious problem on their hands. It's almost like how Janet Yellen over the past week has repeated multiple times how the banking system is “stable.” They need you to maintain your faith in the system, even if IT IS TOTALLY BANKRUPT. Because if not, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down with a quickness.

Obviously, the unemployment rate is NOT at 3.5% or whatever dumb low percentage they erroneously claim that it is. I don't understand how they come up with these numbers. It's almost like they have an incentive to lie to you just to shape your perception that “everything is fine.” I wonder why that is, regarding the incentive to maintain a sense of calm/peace and order? Possibly because the Federal Reserve controls the money supply. If everyone figured out that there's really no jobs and it's all fakery and lies… They would have a serious problem on their hands. It's almost like how Janet Yellen over the past week has repeated multiple times how the banking system is “stable.”

They need you to maintain your faith in the system, even if IT IS TOTALLY BANKRUPT. Because if not, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down with a quickness.

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