
I F’ed up.

I work on campus in the admissions call center. I’ve been working here about a month and I absolutely love the job….until yesterday:( Some of my student workers have been getting calls from an older man who was accepted into a graduate program, and said man had come off overly aggressive and confrontational towards them, almost to the point of one worker in tears. We were able to have a laugh about him after our boss stepped in and took over the call, and now occasionally we all joke about said caller. I was curious what this callers back story was, as were my student workers. So I did some digging on my own and found an online article the caller wrote about his educational background and life story, so I shared it to the teams chat, asking ‘is this our guy?’ A lot of my student workers laugh reacted,…

I work on campus in the admissions call center. I’ve been working here about a month and I absolutely love the job….until yesterday:(

Some of my student workers have been getting calls from an older man who was accepted into a graduate program, and said man had come off overly aggressive and confrontational towards them, almost to the point of one worker in tears. We were able to have a laugh about him after our boss stepped in and took over the call, and now occasionally we all joke about said caller.

I was curious what this callers back story was, as were my student workers. So I did some digging on my own and found an online article the caller wrote about his educational background and life story, so I shared it to the teams chat, asking ‘is this our guy?’ A lot of my student workers laugh reacted, even my other boss did so. Later boss stops me at my desk and informs me cyber stalking is illegal in our state and that what I posted was ‘unprofessional.’ I was kind of in shock, and now I feel I soiled my chance at doing well on this job

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