I work in a place where our “administrative assistant” is an absolute nightmare. Her and I had a sit down with HR and our supervisor. This girl really sat here and made herself the victim. I've never been berated, belittled, harassed, like I have with this immature human. She got upset because I finally started standing up to her. She claims she's “trying so hard to be nice. You just aren't receptive.” I'm tired of her condescending, snarky attitude when I've done nothing but bend over backwards to prove my worth in this place. I've said that multiple times.
This girl really said to my face she doesn't respect me as a colleague and I'm essentially lazy. “You cant multitask very well and it's frustrating. And you aren't on my level so it's hard for me to respect you.” To which my supervisor just goes “it's a trust thing for her. We have a high turnover and she has a hard exterior.” Our supervisor doesn't want to lose her right hand. After sitting there I realized how fucking toxic this was.
Im saving to get my car, and im quitting as soon as that happens. I feel incredibly beat down. I'm a hard worker with a different learning style. I know every place has toxic elements but being told “you're a value to the team” from my supervisor and then “You're not on my level and I don't respect you.” Is unbelievable.
Fuck this.