
I feel I am being harassed by a former supervisor for getting a full time position in a different area.

I started a full time position where I work about a month ago. I was previously part time for a little over a year. I felt I really got along with and even used my former supervisor as a reference. However, since I started my new position, every time I see her she calls me a “traitor” – like “hey traitor” or “oh look it’s the traitor”. Everyone else was really happy for me. She has a sarcastic and sophomoric sense of humor so I laughed it off the first few times. But it’s happened so many times at this point that I lost count. It doesn’t seem like a joke anymore and I definitely no longer find it funny. In fact the past few times I’ve felt angry and hurt. Today I was like – “Are you really not going to let it go?” and she was basically like…

I started a full time position where I work about a month ago. I was previously part time for a little over a year. I felt I really got along with and even used my former supervisor as a reference. However, since I started my new position, every time I see her she calls me a “traitor” – like “hey traitor” or “oh look it’s the traitor”. Everyone else was really happy for me.

She has a sarcastic and sophomoric sense of humor so I laughed it off the first few times. But it’s happened so many times at this point that I lost count. It doesn’t seem like a joke anymore and I definitely no longer find it funny. In fact the past few times I’ve felt angry and hurt. Today I was like – “Are you really not going to let it go?” and she was basically like no.

Some back story: Right when my new position started she had planned to go on vacation. Something I had no control over. When I applied, I had no idea when I would start or if I would even get the position. And after I had been accepted the position, I agreed to still fill in while she was gone even though I would technically be in my new position. Well apparently she was pissed but guess what – she still got to go on her vacation! I filled in and everything was fine.

On top of that, there was another full timer hired to work with her a few months ago. As a result my hours were cut drastically. My online business was struggling. I didn’t want to change positions, I needed to.

I love where I work and don’t want to leave. But I shouldn’t have to explain why I need health insurance and how I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. My boyfriend and I want to get married and most importantly buy a house. We want to have a child eventually. All these things require money! She also knows what a hard year it’s been for me after a death in my family. But all of that shouldn’t matter because if I decide to make a decision for my life it is nobody’s business but mine.

I’m thinking about reporting her for harassment or maybe telling her off next time. I really just want to rant. I am so tired of grown people being petty and selfish.

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