
I feel like im disposable piece of garbage, like i have no worth

I worked for this company as a freelancer for 4 years, worked insane hours, got called at the middle of night, barely slept sometimes, all because i enjoyed my job and didn't mind too much the extra cash, i sometimes helped peers with their job and did somethings that were not really related to the job as favors… i was promised i would get hired when an opening came up… after 3 years of working there i was glad that now i could finally get some job security and do what i love doing…but my piece of shit manager hired some older guy instead that were friends with people up the ladder. ​ I just feel like shit, i always done my job with love, with the most care, if i was incompetent i would accept it as to why they would rather hire someone else but the new guy…

I worked for this company as a freelancer for 4 years, worked insane hours, got called at the middle of night, barely slept sometimes, all because i enjoyed my job and didn't mind too much the extra cash, i sometimes helped peers with their job and did somethings that were not really related to the job as favors… i was promised i would get hired when an opening came up… after 3 years of working there i was glad that now i could finally get some job security and do what i love doing…but my piece of shit manager hired some older guy instead that were friends with people up the ladder.

I just feel like shit, i always done my job with love, with the most care, if i was incompetent i would accept it as to why they would rather hire someone else but the new guy just half ass the job as much as he can…i really feel used…lately i only do what i'm supposed to do in my job description and my shit boss treats me like i'm a disapointment, she is so blind, she doesn't understand why i started resenting her and the company, now she doesn't really call me too much for extra work instead gives it all to the new hire, after i poured all my blood and sweat for this job in the end i feel like i'm just a disposable cog, i did my part and now it's time to trash me.

i'm sorry for the rant…just wanted to vent a bit.

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