
I feel like the 9-5 work day five days a week is draining my soul and I don’t know what to do

I came back from a weekend trip with a cabin right next to a river, and tall magnificent trees with a gorgeous view you can’t beat. Now I am back at work and feeling depressed again. Outside I feel freedom and happiness. I feel alive, but the moment I step foot into the corporate building with their bright florescent lights, I start to feel dead inside again. Some people say the solution is to just change jobs, but realistically the same feeling will creep up eventually. It’s hard to find a job you love that also pays well. I feel such sadness inside, thinking about having to live the rest of my life inside a corporate building and being harassed by management no matter how hard you work. I can’t work towards a house or a family. It’s just survival at this point. I’m so unfulfilled and tired of working…

I came back from a weekend trip with a cabin right next to a river, and tall magnificent trees with a gorgeous view you can’t beat. Now I am back at work and feeling depressed again. Outside I feel freedom and happiness. I feel alive, but the moment I step foot into the corporate building with their bright florescent lights, I start to feel dead inside again. Some people say the solution is to just change jobs, but realistically the same feeling will creep up eventually. It’s hard to find a job you love that also pays well.

I feel such sadness inside, thinking about having to live the rest of my life inside a corporate building and being harassed by management no matter how hard you work. I can’t work towards a house or a family. It’s just survival at this point. I’m so unfulfilled and tired of working endless hours with little breaks in between. It’s hard to keep my head up and look forward to things in life, knowing that in the end, that corporate building will be waiting for me for the rest of my days.

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