
I feel that the system is just to hard to handle

First of all, sorry for my english, I'm non-native. I feel that since I turned 19, until now that I'm 23, I entered an hyper-competitive machine where everything is super hard. In college, here in Italy 50%-60% of people drop out because the system fuck you up with a workload that is just not proportionate to the average possibility. Since I started I had to study like 4000-5000 pages every 6 months. Most of people just can't meet these standards, so they choose to dropout. Of the people that don't dropout, only a fraction (less than 50%) manage to finish the degree on time. And they say that you need to get perfect scores in time to find a normal job. On top of that, a bachelor Is not enough, so you have to get a master degree to be only considered from companies. That's only for university. In the…

First of all, sorry for my english, I'm non-native. I feel that since I turned 19, until now that I'm 23, I entered an hyper-competitive machine where everything is super hard.
In college, here in Italy 50%-60% of people drop out because the system fuck you up with a workload that is just not proportionate to the average possibility.
Since I started I had to study like 4000-5000 pages every 6 months. Most of people just can't meet these standards, so they choose to dropout. Of the people that don't dropout, only a fraction (less than 50%) manage to finish the degree on time. And they say that you need to get perfect scores in time to find a normal job. On top of that, a bachelor Is not enough, so you have to get a master degree to be only considered from companies.

That's only for university. In the Jobs that I had, it's basically the same fight like in a Clash royal. In the last role that I have been selected as a content creator, I was chosen between 5 freelancers after a test, and still fired after 1 fucking week because there were like 3-4 mistakes in the 20 Pages article that I made.
The requisite for this fucking part-time jobs were:

  1. Perfect knowledge of english (It was a role for an International Company);
  2. Perfect writing skills in italian;
  3. Capacity to produce like 20 pages on word a week or 12.000 words a week;
  4. Ability to choose good images and use Photoshop to modify them in italian, use WordPress;
  5. Some SEO skills;

And on top of that the work should have been perfect with 0 mistakes, so proofreading etc.. So of the 10%-20% of people that got selected only a fraction meet this standards, the other ones get just fired as happened to me.
In the past roles that I had, the expectations were similar and the drop out rate was always very high as I could see from the history of the clients or talking with other workers.

This was just to make an example. In other fields the situation is not better. If you want to work for the government, you need to pass a series of tests that fires like 80% of people or more. If you want to become a lawyer, after the law degree you need to pass an exam with 30% pass rate. And than you are expected to be selected from the market also.

Where I live a lot of people react Just doing nothing and living with their parents until they are like +30. I read that in the USA there are similar problems. Okay, maybe it's easier to find a job, but the university loan from what I read are no-joke. At least here we don't have to pay for them.

I'm at the beginning of my working “journey ” and already burn-out.

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