
I finally filed a EEOC complaint against one of my shift managers

I had all I could take today, I’ve given my immediate supervisors that are above her every chance I could to correct her behavior, but she won’t stop using the r word in front of me, won’t stop trying to provoke me any time she gets. Today was the straw on the camels back. One of the co workers asked me if I liked this person and I straight up told her no because of the way that I’ve been spoken to in the past by her (Criticizing your employer is a protected activity in my country, and you cannot be retaliated against for doing this.) After this co worker snitched on me that shift manager threatened to retaliate against. I finally filed an EEOC complaint due to the threat and I’m fixing to look into other legal options.

I had all I could take today, I’ve given my immediate supervisors that are above her every chance I could to correct her behavior, but she won’t stop using the r word in front of me, won’t stop trying to provoke me any time she gets. Today was the straw on the camels back. One of the co workers asked me if I liked this person and I straight up told her no because of the way that I’ve been spoken to in the past by her (Criticizing your employer is a protected activity in my country, and you cannot be retaliated against for doing this.) After this co worker snitched on me that shift manager threatened to retaliate against. I finally filed an EEOC complaint due to the threat and I’m fixing to look into other legal options.

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