
I finally found a good employer

I just started work at a local factory. When I rocked up for the interview they seemed pretty desperate to hire because one of their team was leaving (it's a small, custom, made to order business with about 15 employees). I thought this was a red flag but during the interview they showed me around and pretty much granted anything I needed like boots, tools, all that. When the subject got to pay, they agreed to pay what I was asking without negotiation. I've been here about 3 weeks now and although there's those little niggly problems here and there on the whole everyone seems satisfied and happy to be working here. These jobs exist guys. If I ever leave here I know what I'll be looking for and what I can't compromise on!

I just started work at a local factory. When I rocked up for the interview they seemed pretty desperate to hire because one of their team was leaving (it's a small, custom, made to order business with about 15 employees). I thought this was a red flag but during the interview they showed me around and pretty much granted anything I needed like boots, tools, all that. When the subject got to pay, they agreed to pay what I was asking without negotiation. I've been here about 3 weeks now and although there's those little niggly problems here and there on the whole everyone seems satisfied and happy to be working here.

These jobs exist guys. If I ever leave here I know what I'll be looking for and what I can't compromise on!

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