
I found out I accidently signed the wrong job offer years ago

In 2019 when I started at my job (Surveillance) I was given a form that served as a job offer and job description. I didn't really look at it carefully enough at the time and it turned out I had signed a Supervisor form. Essentially, I am being expected to do a job that I “signed” for but am not getting paid for, nor do I have the title. Management and HR apparently knew this screw up had happened cause they all signed off on the form too. The only reason I even found out about this was because I requested a copy of the form from HR for a different reason. My question is, do I have any grounds here to do or say anything about this? I'm Canadian by the way. With the title on my form I should be be making 5 dollars an hour more than…

In 2019 when I started at my job (Surveillance) I was given a form that served as a job offer and job description. I didn't really look at it carefully enough at the time and it turned out I had signed a Supervisor form. Essentially, I am being expected to do a job that I “signed” for but am not getting paid for, nor do I have the title. Management and HR apparently knew this screw up had happened cause they all signed off on the form too. The only reason I even found out about this was because I requested a copy of the form from HR for a different reason.

My question is, do I have any grounds here to do or say anything about this? I'm Canadian by the way. With the title on my form I should be be making 5 dollars an hour more than I currently am. This isn't the only sketchy things management likes to do but this is the last straw for me.

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