I don't like long posts so I'll do bullet points.
- I did something wrong on paperwork
- Little boss wrote a memo (everyone on my level can see that memo)
- The memo was a little snappy
- I genuinely don't know what I did wrong, I do my work my same everyday.
- Either way, I was in the wrong, I could have left a note/asked for help or whatever.. fine
- I wrote a snapy note back (that everyone can see)
- I also texted little boss AND big boss in a group text
- The text basically said pull me aside next time, don't talk to me in that manner.
My heart wanted to do things the mature way.. but I really don't like being a punching bag or being spoken to rudely.
So, maybe I'm fired.. or written up.. If so, I definitely deserve it lol. but the devil on my shoulder won. Anyone can relate?